Popular Opinion vs. Divine Directions
Too often in life, we allow others’ opinions to determine our actions. I wonder how many dreams have been shattered because popular opinion could not imagine them. How many visions have been abandoned because popular opinion could not see them?
No matter what the decision may be in life, there will always be an array of opinions. We must be prayerful and careful about the ones that we allow to influence us.
"But my child, be warned: There is no end of opinions ready to be expressed. Studying them can go on forever and become very exhausting! Here is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey His commands, for this is the duty of every person."
There will always be those who think you cannot, should not, or will not. However, once you have received a vision and directions from the Lord – whose opinion matters most – you must move forward by faith. If you wait to receive the “green light” of popular opinion before moving forward with any plan, dream, or goal, you will ultimately hinder your process. In order to accomplish anything great in life, you are going to have to step out from the crowd. You must be willing to ignore popular opinion and follow divine directions.
Others cannot always see what God has shown you. Sometimes, it is even difficult for you to see it in the natural, but you have to see it by faith. Several years ago, while starting my own consulting business, I was warned by many how hard it would be…how others had tried and failed. I almost allowed the opinions of others to dissuade me from a very rewarding opportunity. I realized then that people tend to offer advice derived from their own experiences, fears, and limitations. In most cases, they mean well but are still unable to objectively advise us. Knowing this, we would be wise to adhere to the advice of Christian author and speaker Joyce Meyer: “Run to the throne instead of the phone.” I am not saying – and neither do I believe is Joyce – that wise counsel should be ignored. I thank God for good Christian friends and confidantes, but even they sometimes cannot see the whole picture. If God gave you the vision, pray and seek Him for wisdom, guidance and direction.
Furthermore, not everyone can handle the revelation that God has given you. Ask Him to show you when and in whom to confide your vision and dreams. Others’ lack of faith (not to mention jealousy and envy) can cloud your vision and weaken your resolve, causing you to surrender right at the brink of your victory.
Extraordinary ventures require extraordinary faith, out-of-the-box thinking, and uncommon courage. We must learn to trust God as the final authority in all of our decisions. After all, He is omniscient – He sees and knows that which man cannot fully comprehend.
"My thoughts are completely different from yours,” says the Lord. “And My ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
ISAIAH 55:8-9
What dreams and visions have you abandoned as a result of popular opinion? Activate your faith today and resurrect those desires.